Thursday, September 13, 2018

Rainbow 6 Siege

Rainbow 6 Siege:

Rainbow 6 Siege has a competitive theme to the game, it's a 5vs5 FPS defending/attacking based game in which you attack a set objective, and the defending team have to stop the CTU ( Counter terrorist unit) defusing the bomb (Bio hazard container), each player on the defending team get 2 reinforcements that can be placed on wooden walls (soft walls) which can stop the players breaking into the set objective, Each round the teams switch, so each team will have a certain amount of rounds to attack and also defend. The game did very well.
The bad thing about rainbow 6 siege is that ubisoft decide to ruin the game, and nerf everything that is good, making the game more "balanced" this meaning they took all the good aspects out of the game for set attackers and defenders, Also every update that ubisoft bring to the game seems to break more and more things in the game, one currently being that once you play 2 games, your game has a high chance of freezing, and they take to long to fix these bugs, which frustrates people that play the game.
One update in the game which happened a while ago, in operation "Blood Orchid" is that ubisoft decided to remove the acog sight off of 2 defenders, called bandit and jager, this had the community going wild as the acog was the only reason that the 2 operators had such a high pick rate, Although it fixed the game alot, i wasnt a fan of this update as i personally used the operators myself, and the reason it made the game more "balanced" was because everyone that used the operators with acog, would try to spawn peak (break windows during preparation phase in order to kill the CTU when they spawned). 
Spawn peaking is the reason that most people on the game get angry, because each round lasts 3-4 minutes, and would die from a spawn peak in the first 20-30 seconds of the round meaning that they had to spectate.
Another downfall of the game is the ranking system, and how it works, personally i dislike the rank system, yet i always play ranked. The reason i hate the ranking system myself is because if you aint in the game at the time the game ends, you receive a ban, and my internet is trash and i would often get removed from matches.
The game is a team based game, and is quite unfair with matchmaking because you get put with lower skilled people when playing ranked, yet the opponents you get put up against seem alot better than your team, and they often cause you to loose the game.

First Person

My name is Jake and i decided to join onto the level 3 games development course because i am interested in games and how they work, i studied on a level 2 General IT Course before i enrolled onto this course and i have interest in computers in general, and gaming too, I hope at the end of this course i can progress onto university and become a game developer in the future. I play on the Xbox one system, but would love to some point switch to PC gaming. My favourite games are Rainbow 6 Siege, And most Call of Duties, specifically the zombies game mode, I'm looking forward for the release of Red Dead Redemption 2 as i really enjoyed the first game, although i didn't really play the story properly as i was young i still had a laugh playing it.
 Apart from Gaming, i really enjoy playing basketball with my friends, and have a passion for watching the NBA too, My favourite team in the NBA are the Golden state warriors.

The Reason i created this blog is so people can see my progress throughout the year of me studying on this course, and for a personal portfolio incase employers would like to see my progress, or even my friends and family.